Military TV-7 D/U Mutual Conductance Tube Tester
with an added mA meter for plate current readings, a new 200 uA meter for the tube tester, and in a new custom made wood case.
More Detailed information and pictures available at:
The new meter on the tube tester is perfectly calibrated at 200uA and 2365 ohms.
The original meter was full scale at 215 uA which is only 7.5% more that the spec of 200uA, but that makes a big difference on these little meters with the readings.
The meter is a perfect 200uA and 2365 ohms. I calibrate each meter's ohm to your specs, but 2365 is the known spec. The mounting holes for the meters may need to be slightly opened to get a proper fit. I can do that as well. It just takes a very small amount of filing to get the screws perfectly strait.
Added a 200 mA (-200 to +200) meter for plate current that is powered by a separate 9 volt battery and not by the transformer. There is a quick connect under the meter in the empty space so you can disconnect two wires coming from the tester and go to the meter before removing it from the case.
The case is made from 3/4" wood, 1/4" bottom and 1/8" on the very top. It has all new heavy duty hardware with hinges that allow the top to be removed. It has 2 coats of black textured paint and 2 coats of the teal color paint. Like the original metal case, the TV-7 is still a tight fit in the case, but you will not have to turn the tester over to get it out of the case. The mA meter’s wood base is pressure fitted in place and also a tight fit to get on and off.
The filament voltages are all within spec and the shorts function worked properly on all settings.
A DVD is included that has all the manuals and tube data you will need. Several in depth manuals on the DVD that include calibration instructions and schematics.
A New SS 83 and a NOS JAN Sylvania 5Y3GT were installed and should last many years with normal useIf you have any questions please ask before buying.
I include insurance for shipping at no extra charge.
I now offer 1 free calibration within 3 years of purchase as long as you pay the shipping and for any parts that may be needed, e.g. a new 83 mercury rectifier. Please keep the calibration sticker on the tube tester, or remove and attach it to a separate piece of paper and keep it so I can refer to it upon calibration request. Contact for calibration on contact page at HickokMeters.
The new tube tester meter is guaranteed for two years, and if for some reason the meter goes bad that is not due to misuse or abuse, I will provide a replacement meter. The buyer will be responsible for shipping costs.Free Shipping in 48 contiguous US
Shipping Charges apply any place else and use contact page for a quote
TV-7 D/U Tube Tester - New Meter & Added mA Meter - New Custom Case *CALIBRATED*
The TV-7D/U will also give you plate current readings on a self powered digital meter from -200mA to 200mA