Hickok KS-15560-L1 Tube Tester made for Western Electric
New Simpson main meterBias fuse addedSelenium Rectifier replaced with diodesNew capacitorsSocket SaversCalibratedGrounded AC cordAccurate analog metersL1 Manuals and operating instructions on DVDWE Tube Data on the tube chart
See pictures 6, 7, 8, for calibration specs, some additional notes, and relative information for this L1.
These pages should tell you all you need to know about this L1
The case is ugly but solid
Please see the calibration information in the pictures.
Any Multimeters, tubes, or other items used for demonstration seen in the photos are not included and shown for demonstration purposes only!Please see the calibration information in the pictures.
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Hickok KS-15560-L1 Westrn Electric Tube Tester *Calibrated* New Simpson Meter
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