- Late model Hickok 539C with Bias & AC Line Jacks for Digital Meters
- Calibrated & Clean
See pictures 5 thru 10 for calibration specs and information that includes the added bias and AC line jacks for this 539C. These 6 pages should tell you all you need to know about this 539C.
No trick to use the jacks just plug in a multimeter or other accurate DCV digital meter in the 4mm banana bias sockets, red to positive and black to negative, and it will read the actual DC bias voltage being applied. Same with the AC line jacks; just plug in a multimeter or accurate digital ACV meter in the 4mm banana plugs and it will read actual AC voltage.
Please see the calibration information in the pictures.
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Hickok 539C - Late Model - AC Line & Bias Jacks for Digital Meters - Calibrated
You can have this 539C calibrated at no charge withing three years of the date of purchase, but will have to pay for the shipping. There may be additional charges if parts are needed such as new rectifiers e.g. You will receive a calibration card with the date of purchase.